How to bet on a biased wheel
When we find a wheel which has passed the HARD limit, the procedure to follow is to bet every number which is in positive. If only the SOFT limit has been surpassed, we used to execute a cut on those numbers which positives didn’t pass from +8 in order to avoid “false positive” numbers which could be at this amount of positives by pure random. We made an exception with those numbers with lesser than eight positives which were surrounded -at the numerical wheel disc disposition- by other within a range of large “positivity”.For instance we had number 4 at +2 but its two neighbours 19 and 21 were both above +20: we’d play the three numbers.
The study about wheels’ performance with lighter or bolder biases (Types A, B and C), was made in an elaborated computerized fashion simulating roulette wheels with a similar behavior to those real tables we have been at, this way we could study its future behavior and their possible level of advantage. A “Table type A” should provide us with an amount of 30 “positives” at a 1000-spin sample. This mean we’d be winning the equivalent to thirty straight-up number payout once we played this amount of hands. At a “Table type B” net earning was 20 positives, being this amount shrunk to only 12 positives when dealing with “Tables type C”. With these calculations I did a forecast on earnings (70 million “pesetas”), which happened to be so exact at “Casino de Madrid” during summer ’92. I also calculated possible yield or return for our first month in Amsterdam, which was absolutely necessary in order to balance the high costs attached to staying plus the mandatory previous study we had to perform at the “city of canals”.
Let’s have a look at another interesting table created by those results provided by the computer at millions of simulations from an unbiased wheel:
Next Chapter: Gonzalo García Pelayo roulette strategy explained