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Online casinos could be cheating? Roulette-Bet

Online casinos are using different types of software programs for management and running of games (like online roulette, online slots etc.) and giving money. When a person is not winning in an online casino then he thinks that the site is cheating. When a person is making a lot of money then he thinks that …

Can you trust online roulette? Roulette-Bet

Online roulette is available for those who are willing to try their luck and make a lot of money at every online casino. There are many sites which are trusted by players all over the world. On these sites there are many types of online roulette games are available which can be played for trying …

J. Kennedy’s betting on High Low (test) Roulette-Bet

CAN YOU WIN WITH EVEN MONEY BETS? I had many email inquiries asking if they could win even money bets using my system of play. I told them all, “no!” Before examining “even money bets” I did not believe you could win with any of the even money bet systems that were out there. My …

10 famous roulette systems to AVOID! Roulette-Bet

“All mathematicians agree that roulette is an unbeatable game in the long run. Yet, this hasn’t stopped people from constantly trying to figure out systems to “beat roulette”. Although the systems in this list are a great proof of human ingenuity and mathematical knowledge, none is able to actually produce consistent profits. So what’s the …

Marigny de Grilleau system Roulette-Bet

This post is based upon gamblers fallacy and the outcome is still 50/50 no matter what the past result is. I don’t take any responsibility for any of your action reading this or if you use it in real life. The claim. Is all about to find a sequence where some events is overrepresented to …

Simple progression Roulette-Bet

First of all, my thanks to Tomla021 for sharing this 4 step bet method with me. It’s not invincible, but it has been holding strong so far and still much better than your average system. We start with 4 units and we use them to win 4 more units. It’s a very clever positioning of …

Imbalance strategy Roulette-Bet

This particular concept has been presented before by me and others, but rather than wake up a sleeping dog, I think I’ll just start a new topic. There are at least two ideas used to develop most systems. First is the concept of trends. Everybody knows that there are trends in roulette. The problem is …

Iboba Two Column System Roulette-Bet

This thought provoking strategy is part of our Winning systems for Dozens and Columns feature. As have pointed earlier that I believe that the base of this method is long run winning bettor simply HG…………..BASE BET;3 columns should alternate at the start before start playing. –Always follow last 2 columns with corresponding colors,ex; –columns 1-2 …

Privacy Policy and Disclaimer Roulette-Bet

Privacy Policy You may give us personal information about you, such as your name, your contact email and other contact details on various places on our website. This privacy policy describes how we collect and use your personal information. How and where we collect personal information: – electronic newsletters – discussion boards and forums – …

Can you win at roulette? Roulette-Bet

It would be so great if we had found a bet selection that would be superior from the others and play it and make money from roulette as pro players. Unfortunately as all mature roulette researchers know, till now no superior bet selection has been found. (I am not speaking here about visual ballistics or …